The Deutschland-Ticket (D-Ticket)
We have summarised questions and answers about the Deutschland-Ticket for you. The page will be updated continuously.
General information
The D-Ticket is a ticket valid throughout Germany. Since May 1st 2023, it has been offered for a monthly price of 49 euros and allows passengers to use all local public transport. The ticket is personal and not transferable.
The ticket is valid throughout Germany for all public transport and regional transport in 2nd class. Long-distance traffic (IC, EC and ICE) is excluded.
The D-Ticket is valid for a full calendar month and automatically extends for the following month. You can cancel your subscription by the 10th of each month for the end of that month.
The D-Ticket is only sold by subscription. However, this subscription can be cancelled each month. If you already have a subscription for an RNN annual ticket, you will receive timely information about your options to switch to the D-Ticket.
Yes, the D-Ticket is also offered for children. Under 18-year-olds can subscribe via the RNN D-Ticket app. A legal representative is required to conclude the contract. Children under the age of 6 travel free of charge on public transportation in Germany.
No. Due to the highly subsidised offer by the federal and state government, no further benefits are planned.
No. In contrast to the 9-Euro-Ticket, a network ticket cannot automatically become a D-Ticket.
Yes, anyone with a D-Ticket can also use the RufBus service.
No. The D-Ticket is issued personally (and is therefore non-transferable) and does not have any transport regulations. In this respect, it differs significantly from the RNN-Zeitkarten Jedermann and the RNN JobTicket.
No, all RNN tickets will remain as usual at the current conditions and can still be purchased.
Buying the Deutschland-Ticket
The D-Ticket is exclusively available in digital form as a mobile phone ticket or as a chip card. In the RNN, you can get the ticket as a digital ticket via our new RNN D-Ticket app. The following payment methods are available in the app: Credit card and direct debit.
At the moment, only the Mainzer Mobilität, KRN, INGMobil and Trans Regio offer the D-Ticket in the form of a chip card or paper ticket with a barcode.
Children under the age of 18 can create an account in their own name and also purchase the regular D-Ticket at a price of 49 Euros. To enter the payment details, the app requires the input of a contact e-mail address of a legal guardian. An email will be sent to the parent or guardian with a link to enter the payment data. This means that the payment details cannot be viewed directly in the profile of the under 18-year-old and therefore cannot be used for any other purpose.
No. You cannot buy the D-Ticket directly at the ticket machine or at the sales points. You can easily and conveniently order the ticket through our new RNN D-Ticket app. You can also order chip cards from the transportation companies that offer them in their customer offices as well.
In the RNN, the following transport companies currently offer the D-Ticket as a chip card or, for a transitional period, as a paper card with barcode:
- KRN Kommunalverkehr Rhein-Nahe: If you would like to purchase the D-Ticket as a chip card, you can order it at the KRN customer center in Bad Kreuznach and on the KRN website.
- DB Regio Bus Mitte/ORN: If you would like to purchase the ticket as a chip card, you can order it on the DB Regio Bus Mitte website.
- Mainzer Mobilität: If you would like to buy the D-Ticket as a chip card, you can fill out an online form on their website & directly apply for the D-Ticket subscription. The application must be received by the MVG by the 10th of the previous month. You can submit the completed application as an online form, as a paper application in person, by mail (RMV-Mobilitäts-Beratung im Verkehrs Center Mainz, Bahnhofplatz 6a, 55116 Mainz) or by e-mail (verkehrscenter@mainzer-mobilitaet.de).
- INGMobil: INGMobil initially offers the D-Ticket as a paper ticket with a barcode. You can apply for it online at the following link. You will receive the paper ticket monthly by e-mail.
- TransRegio: The D-Ticket is also available from Trans Regio as a paper ticket with barcode. Apply for your D-Ticket under the following link. The D-Ticket as a paper ticket will be sent to you monthly by e-mail.
Anyone who has ordered the D-Ticket via the RNN D-Ticket app can cancel it monthly in the app. Those who have ordered the D-Ticket as a chip card must contact the respective point of sale for information on cancelling the D-Ticket.
It is not expected that there will be a corresponding offer on a national level. Customers are encouraged to use the regional 1st class offers. This means that the 1st class ticket required depends on the route used.
If the desired connection is within the RNN network area, our regular "1. Klasse Zuschlag" tickets can be purchased.
Information for existing customers
No, an automatic change will not take place.
If you want to change from an existing RNN subscription to the D-Ticket subscription, you must cancel your subscription actively with your respective transportation company and return your ticket(s) to them within five days of the cancellation date.
Please note: Only return the ticket to the relevant transportation company and not to the RNN Infotelefon..
You will receive your D-Ticket easily through the RNN D-Ticket App.
Please note that the D-Ticket does not include transferability and the right to take along other passengers. Of course, you can continue your existing subscription as usual.
You must return your unused monthly segments to the transportation company that issued them and will then receive a refund in accordance with the RNN tarif regulations. You can then buy your D-Ticket by using the RNN D-Ticket App.
Information for JobTicket users
The D-Ticket Job is a discounted D-Ticket that benefits employees whose employer have a D-Ticket Job contract with the RNN.
Approach your employer and ask if they already have a D-Ticket Job contract with the RNN. If so, you can start your D-Ticket Job immediately or at an later date via the RNN D-Ticket app.
No. The D-Ticket is separate from the RNN Job-Ticket and a change will not happen automatically.
To switch, your employer must have a D-Ticket Job contract with the RNN. Then, as an employee, you are entitled to download the D-Ticket Job via the RNN D-Ticket App. You can then cancel your existing RNN JobTicket manually.
Please note that the D-Ticket Job does not include any regulations for bringing along other passengers. This is only available with the RNN JobTicket.
If the current JobTicket contract between your company and the RNN remains unchanged, you can continue to receive the RNN JobTicket. Please ask your employer about this.
No. If the existing framework agreement on the RNN JobTicket is terminated, all active JobTickets of the employer are automatically cancelled. You will be informed of this and must return your ticket to DB Vertrieb by registered mail within five days of the termination date.
Information for students
No, the Semesterticket remains valid only for the current area of validity.
The possibility of extending the semester ticket by paying a surcharge for the D-Ticket is currently being examined. As soon as more information is available, we will publish it here.
Information for pupils
Yes, if pupils are currently already provided with a ticket by the district, a D-Ticket in form of a chip card will probably be available automatically for the new school year (from September) instead of an RNN Zeitkarte Ausbildung.
For the city price levels in Bingen, Idar-Oberstein and Ingelheim, the issue of the D-Ticket is currently still being examined.
It is expected that from the start of the new school year in September, pupils will automatically receive the D-Ticket as a chip card from their respective district, provided they are entitled to receive school transport tickets.
We will inform you about the exact details of the distribution as soon as possible.
First, you must cancel your subscription with your transport company by the 15th of the previous month. After that, please return your remaining monthly sections at the end of the contract (deadline: 5 days). You can then buy your ticket in the RNN D-Ticket app. If you are under 18, your legal guardian must make the payment on your behalf.
Information on the use of the RNN D-Ticket App
You can set this manually in the RNN D-Ticket app. In the app, go to the three points > Settings and move the slider under "Simple registration". Then follow the instructions in the app.
The next time you open the app, you can now use Face ID, fingerprint and pin code.
There is a cancellation option in the RNN D-Ticket app, which can be found in the menu under "Cancel subscription". If the menu in the app does not (yet) show this item, please update the app in the respective app store to get the latest version. Please use this cancellation option. After cancellation, you will receive an email with the cancellation date.
Wenn die Anrede Herr/Frau falsch ist, kannst Du trotzdem das D-Ticket nutzen. Anhand des Abgleichs von Vorname, Name und Geburtsdatum mit einem Lichtbildausweis bist Du eindeutig identifizierbar, auch wenn die Anrede falsch ist. Mit einem weiteren Update ist eine Möglichkeit vorgesehen, die Anrede zu ändern. Wir informieren darüber im RNN-Newsletter.
If the title Mr/Mrs is incorrect, you can still use the D-Ticket. By comparing your first name, surname and date of birth with a photo, you can be clearly identified, even if the form of address is incorrect. With a further update, it will be possible to change the form of address. We will inform you about this in the RNN newsletter.
If the barcode is no longer displayed even though you have a valid ticket, you must log out of the app in the menu (click on the three dots on the far right in the upper blue bar) - and then log in again with your password. The current barcode of your ticket will then appear. Please log in to the app before you start your journey. Currently, the barcode is updated daily after logging in and only shows a 24-hour validity. However, barcode generation can currently take up to 30 seconds. This should improve in the coming weeks.
If the D-Ticket was issued in the RNN D-Ticket App in the form of a barcode, then you can tap on the barcode and find the name of the ticket user, the birthday, the type (D-Ticket or D-Ticket Job) and the date of the first day of validity on the "reverse side". The dates are given in the order year - month - day. By tapping on the screen again, it changes back to the barcode.
Yes, for this the contact details of a legal guardian are required during the order process, who will take over the payment in the following and act as a contractual partner.
When purchasing a D-Ticket for a ticket user under 18 years of age as a parent or guardian, you cannot proceed in the payment area. The problem is known and a solution is planned for one of the next updates. We will inform you about this at www.rnn.info
In the event that the blue "Order Now" button is not visible when paying by direct debit, we recommend trying the following measures to solve the problem:
1st option: Swipe your finger from the bottom to the top of the screen to scroll the content. Does this make the button visible and clickable?
2nd option: Try to reduce the font size to the normal or low font size for booking. After booking, you can of course change the setting again.
You can adjust the font size here:
- Android: Settings -> Display -> Font size & style
- iOS: Settings -> Display & Brightness -> Text Size
In the app, the ticket is always issued in the name (and personal details) given in the app registration process.
This also applies to underage ticket users. Here, the entry of the contact details of a parent or guardian is required in the order process, who will subsequently take over the payment and act as the contractual partner.
To register for a new mobile phone, you only need to enter your email address. The app then recognises if there is an existing account. If there is one, the active barcode will be displayed after the login.
If you receive a reminder, it is best to check the payment method data and try again.
The first invoice is sent immediately after the purchase of the ticket/subscription.